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Raleigh Scottish Rite RiteCare Report (Roger Himmel, 32° KCCH)

Western Carolina University RiteCare Clinic

A donation from NC Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation was presented to the Dean and Director of the WCU Speech and Hearing Clinic in the amount of $13,000. After the ceremony the local Brothers attended a special reception of WCU basketball game with the Chancellor of WCU. Members of the Valley of Franklin have made personal donations to the clinic through the NCSR Foundation. In July the Valley of Franklin will host a theatrical event, Letters From Home, at the Smoky Mt Performing Arts Center. Proceeds will benefit all NC RiteCare Clinics. This will happen in conjunction with the Orient's summer leadership conference.

Eastern North Carolina University

In the 4th Quarter the ECU team was able to see 9 children for speech and language evaluations, 2 children for comprehensive evaluations, and 34 children for speech, language treatment, and 20 children for Audiology visits. In 2022, ENCU will provide interactive continuing education to speech pathologists to help them treat children who are stutterers. A check for $36,000 was presented by Brother Michael May to the Speech and Hearing Clinic from the NCSR Foundation.

Appalachian State University

A check from the NCSR Foundation in the amount of $36,000 was presented to the Directors of Development Gina Harwood and Jenny West. They were also given SR Afgans. Brother Kenny Allen, 32, collected toys and presented the toys to Karalee Cole, from the Speech Department.

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

The UNC Speech and Hearing Clinic is in a process of transition. They are changing their name from the Hanen Centre-Speech and Learning Center to an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Clinic. The AAC Clinic will help children and adults who are unable to communicate with physical speech, but rather can only use computers or other devices.

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"Dropping your child off at school for 6 hours a day is tough. Dropping your child off at school for 6 hours and watching him struggle to keep up, make friends, understand simple directions, and always being left behind is in a whole other category of "tough". I don't know how many times a parent's heart can break. In walks ECU's Scottish Rite Dyslexia program. One night as I scoured the internet for ways to help my son I came across their site. At this point, we were homeschooling our son because he had digressed in every aspect of his life while attending a public school. I could only take him so far with his disability and needed help. The staff here has been a life saver. Not only is my son improving, he has gained self confidence and his social skills are also improving with each session. Their feedback and support have really helped complete our circle of learning."

"In the past year Kobe's reading, writing, and speech skills have improved greatly. Under the direction of Laura Frye, each clinician that has worked with Kobe has done a superb job. They are creative and very enthusiastic. Kobe responds well to each of them. He even comes home and tries to implement what he has learned with his little brother. They have also been very attentive to my needs as not only a mom but as his teacher. They give me ideas and encouragement all the time. Their positive feedback warms my heart. Kobe usually puts on the brakes in new situations and it takes a while for him to warm up. Here, he takes off around the corner without any hesitation. He loves the compliments he gets also. Coming from a school that only put him down, he feels like he's on cloud nine here."

"Words cannot express the lasting impression this program has had on our family. We will forever be indebted. Thank You!" Gabriel Vick ---- Winterville NC